Do you want to add our branding marks to your site, print media or social channels?
We've created some guidelines to help you use our brand and assets, Logo, graphics etc. without having to negotiate legal agreements for each use.
To use of our branding assets in a way not covered by these guidelines, please contact us by email and include a visual mockup of intended use.

Here you can find some of our Smart Synergies proprietary graphics that can be added to designs, web pages and print media to refer to our company. Smart Synergies graphics are part of our company's brand marks and are used to identify and harmonise content relating to Smart Synergies. These can be modified by size and placement for example as long as it is in keeping with our brand guidelines and overall aesthetic. As with the logo please don't use them in a way that confuses or defames our company, including suggesting sponsorship or endorsement by Smart Synergies, or in a way that would confuse Smart Synergies with another brand.

Smart Synergies brand marks include the Smart Synergies name and logo as well as any text, image or other visual that refers to or identifies Smart Synergies and its interlectual property. Please don't modify the brand marks or use them in a way that confuses or defames our company, including suggesting sponsorship or endorsement by Smart Synergies, or in a way that would be negative to our reputation. If you are unsure of how to use our brand marks correctly for your use case please feel free to contact our head of Digital Marketing